Bosley Hair Treatments

From the world’s most trusted and experienced hair restoration expert, a range of clinical-strength Bosley hair growth treatments for men and women. These treatments help prevent hair loss and promote healthier, thicker hair growth.

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Hair loss treatments

Hair Health & Beauty is a wholesale supplier of Bosley hair loss treatments to hair salons and spas in South Africa. We offer award-winning Bosley products, individually or in bulk, at competitive prices.

Bosley restoration products are the result of direct clinical experience.

Based in the United States, the Bosley clinic has been in operation for over 45 years and has performed more than 430,000 hair restoration procedures.

Based on pioneering work in the field of hair loss, Bosley formulated a range of hair restoration treatments. These proven solutions are suitable for use in both salon and home environments, for anyone with thinning or compromised hair growth.