Left-Handed Hair Scissors

The options of scissors for left-handed users is limiting, and so all scissors shown here are specially made for these users by all our scissor brands.

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Showing all 17 results

Choices for the lefties

Left-handed hairdressers are always facing a conundrum when it comes to their styling tools. As with many devices, gadgets and tools nowadays, many are not built with left-handed users in mind. Since they are a much smaller percentage of the population than right-handed people, they tend to get left out. Luckily, leading brands like Jaguar, Olivia Garden and others have elected to produce specialised scissors for lefties. Their selection of left-handed hair scissors have the same quality and features as the standard scissors for righties. Lefty hairdressers can now cut hair normally, and not have to adapt their hand position or cutting technique trying to make a right-handed scissor work for them. Browse our left-handed hair scissors today.