Left-Handed Hair Thinners

The options of thinners for left-handed users is limiting, and so all thinners shown here are specially made for these users by all our scissor brands.

Showing all 14 results

Showing all 14 results

Lefties need a hand too

The world is catered for right-handed people. That is not a surprise as approximately 90% of the world’s population is estimated to be right-handed. This naturally leaves lefties in the dark with some things. Some products do are not designed specially for righties and can be used by lefties without an issue. This, however, does not apply to hair thinners. A lefty using a right-handed thinner is very inefficient and, in some cases, impossible to use correctly. Hair does not cut and the person has to awkwardly angle the shear to try and use it. These left-handed hair thinners are specially designed for lefties. They have the exact same quality as the standard options, but the blades have been switched so the same cutting performance is possible when used with the opposite hand.