Danger Jones Hair Lightening

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New-age lightening solutions for salons

Danger Jones has expanded their offering to hair lightening products, namely powder bleach and cream developers. Utilizing many years of working in a salon, plus high-end development and research, Danger Jones have produced one of the most high-quality selection of hair lightening products ever in the industry.

Hair lightening has come a long way. What was once seen as purely a way to lift the hair to prepare it for colour, the actual hair lifting process has evolved into also caring for the hair at the same time. This is a time when the hair is at most risk during a colouring treatment, so it makes sense to develop lightening solutions that protect and care for the hair at the same time. That way, colour looks its best at the end.

Use these lightening products on with other permanent colour treatments, combine the two to create a gentle and high-lift solutions, or with Danger Jones Gloss Toners for beautiful toning colours.