Danger Jones Semi-Permanent Hair Colour

Semi-permanent designed to wear on hair for extremely long periods of time, while also beautifully fading into new and sophisticated shades as wear progresses.

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Showing all 36 results

A newer way to colour hair, a better way

Over the last few years, the hair colour industry is fraught with companies primarily focused on cutting costs. Their formulations and packaging are cheapened, and the fun and intrigue about colour fades away. Where is the fun? Where is the joy of colouring hair? It seems that light has dimmed, and this dimming left a gap in the market for a newcomer – Danger Jones.

Danger Jones is not about cutting costs. They are about increasing quality with their premium formulations and elevated packaging. The foundation of the brand was built upon building an artist community in the colour industry. A connected community creates colour like nothing seen before. Colouring should be a fun form of artistic expression, and there is a better way to do it with Danger Jones.

For many semi-permanent brands, it seems the main goal is to make hair colour look as amazing as possible for a few days. After that period, colour starts to look tired and dull. Before you know it, you are looking for ways to hide or refresh it. Danger Jones is different. Pigment in their colour is super-concentrated, and this means that deeper colours can last up to 45 washes on properly pre-lightened hair and with proper care, 25 washes for lighter tones. This kind of wear time is unheard of in the industry, but it is now possible with Danger Jones.