K18 Hair Conditioner

Conditioner from the internationally renowned brand, K18. Protects hair from environmental exposures doing their best to damage hair.

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Showing all 4 results

A true protective K18 hair conditioner that shields the hair from daily environmental and styling damage. Its nourishing formula helps to maintain hair health. Instead of seeing and experiencing dryness, frizz and damage, hair is smooth, soft and full of shine. Offers weightless softening and detangling benefits. In addition, the revolutionary reparative K18PEPTIDE™ in the K18 hair conditioner replenishes hair during washing.

While it is important to keep hair healthy, clean and replenished from the two kinds of K18 shampoo, keeping the hair protected and good condition for days after cleansing is equally needed. After cleansing, the hair is particularly vulnerable to stressors from your daily styling and elements of the environment. This conditioner keeps hair protected from various risks, creating a shield between washes. This can lead to less need for intense repairing sessions in the future, seeing as the hair is more protected from damage.