Men's Hair Wax, Gel, Pastes & Pomade

Showing 1–36 of 63 results

Showing 1–36 of 63 results

Premium styling options

Men take hair styling very seriously. Naturally, men often have less styling options than women. Men typically have shorter hair, so styling product is important for them to create definition. These wax & gel & pastes & pomade choices are from all over the world – Italy, Great Britain, Turkey and the United States to name a few. This gives us a huge variety of options to pass onto professionals from some of the most known brands in the industry.

The first step is to determine what holding strength and end finish you want for your clients. We recommend a wide selection, ranging from light holding waxes to hard-setting gels. That gives you flexibility to cater for all client needs. Not only that, clients will be impressed by your extensive styling options, and this encourages them to perhaps try something new. So try wax & gel & pastes & pomade for your clients.