Perm Rods

Perms are coming back strong, and perm rod technology has evolved since this treatment was popular. See our wide selection of sizes, shapes and materials.

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Showing all 27 results

Get the perm your clients dreamed of

Perms were tremendously popular years ago. It seemed everyone wanted the big head of hair they saw in the movies and magazines. All their favourite actors and artists were sporting the look. As time went on, this style lost popularity, instead being replaced by the need for smooth and straight hair. Hairdressers were not performing the same amount of perms as they used to. However, the pendulum is swinging back to the want for big curls and perm treatments, and we see its popularity rising again. Luckily, we stock a huge variety of perm rods in different sizes, styles, colours, materials and volumes. This is the perfect time to get your clients interested in perms again. Try our perm rods today.