Bleach & Color Cream, 80ml

Bleach & Color Cream, 80ml. From the manufacturers of CDC Tint, This product bleaches and deposits permanent colour on both natural and previously-colored hair in ONE step. Take clients from dark to blonde in 1 application to leave hair nourished and shiny.

A revolutionary one step, high fashion hair color system: from the color you have, to the colour you want in one step!

Unlike any other product on the market, Bleach&Color® lifts and deposits color pigments on both natural and previously colored hair, in one step.

Bleach&Color® offers endless creativity, with the ability to lift up to 7 levels, while oxidation-resistant pigments deposit into the hair shaft.


There are 3 main components that comprise Bleach&Color®:

  • Lightening – upon application, Bleach&Color® Cream first acts as a de-colorizer to remove the pigments present in the hair (both natural & synthetic).
  • Depositing – once the hair has been lightened appropriately, Bleach&Cream® Color cream begins depositing the new oxidation-resistant pigments into the hair.
  • Combined – the lightening & depositing actions create an ideal environment for the new color pigments to bond with those remaining in the hair after lightening, while leaving the cuticle intact, ensuring minimal damage to the hair.

How to use:

  • 1. The mixing ratio is 1 part developer to 1 part Bleach&Color®. (example: 30g of 30 volume developer + 30g Bleach&Color®) For best results, always use a scale to measure and mix formula thoroughly until smooth.
  • 2. Choose the right developer that suits the amount of lift required, either 20 volume, 30 volume, or 40 volume. 40 volume is recommended for previously colored, and level 5 or
    darker hair.
  • 3. Cover the hair with foil, mèche, or a processing cap, you may process under heat. Check the hair after 10-15 minutes to ensure the cuticle is not damaged. As long as the hair is not damaged, continue processing under heat, checking every 10 minutes (check green every 5-10 minutes), up to 50 minutes.
  • 4. Remove from heat and allow an additional 15 minutes for the color to deposit. It is extremely important to monitor the color progression.

IMPORTANT: The shades containing primarily blue pigment (blue, aquamarine, and green) are considered advanced shades and must be monitored very closely. If the green is left longer than intended, the blue pigment will become the dominant pigment and the hair will appear more blue than green. Once you have achieved your desired color, rinse the hair and shampoo to remove any color residue. Do not condition if you plan to apply a mask.

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Brand Bleach & Color